


I 形鋼[I-shaped steel]
I フォーメーション[I formation]
IA[Iraqi Airways]
IAA1[indole acetic acid]
IAA2[International Advertising Association]
IAAF[International Amateur Athletic Federation]
IAB[Internet Advertising Bureau]
IABP[intraaortic balloon pumping]
IAC[International Apprentice Competition]
IAD[Dulles International Airport]
IADB[Inter-American Development Bank]
IAEA[International Atomic Energy Agency]
IAH[Houston International Airport]
IANOS[International Assembly of National Organizations of Sports]
IARC[International Agency for Research on Cancer]
IARU[International Amateur Radio Union]
IAS[International Accounting Standards]
IASC1(イアスク)[International Accounting Standards Committee]
IASC2[International Arctic Science Committee]
IATA(イアタ)[International Air Transport Association]
IAU1[International Association of Universities]
IAU2[International Astronomical Union]
IB1[Iberia Airlines of Spain]
IB2[International Baccalaureate; (フ) baccalaureat international]
IBA[International Baseball Association]
IBBY[International Board on Books for Young People]
IBE[International Bureau of Education]
IBF1[International Banking Facilities]
IBF2[International Boxing Federation]
IBM[International Business Machines Corporation]
IBRD[International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
IC1[integrated circuit]
IC3[(和) interior+coordinator]
IC カード[integrated circuit card]
ICA1[International Cartographical Association]
ICA2[International Commodity Agreement]
ICA3[International Cooperative Alliance]
I.C.A.[Institute of Contemporary Art]
ICAO(イカオ)[International Civil Aviation Organization]
ICBL[International Campaign to Ban Landmines]
ICBM[intercontinental ballistic missile]
ICBP[International Council for Bird Preservation]
ICC1[International Chamber of Commerce]
ICC2[International Control Commission]
ICD[International Classification of Diseases]
ICFTU[International Confederation of Free Trade Unions]
ICJ1[International Commission of Jurist]
ICJ2[International Court of Justice]
ICM[International Congress of Mathematicians]
ICN[International Council of Nurses]
ICOM(イコム)[International Council of Museums]
ICOMOS(イコモス)[International Council on Monuments and Sites]
ICOT(アイコット)[Institute for New Generation Computer Technology]
ICP[International Comparison Program]
ICPD[International Conference on Population and Development]
ICPO[International Criminal Police Organization]
ICPUAE[International Conference on the Peaceful Uses for Atomic Energy]
ICRC[International Committee of the Red Cross]
ICRP[International Commission on Radiological Protection]
ICSID1[International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes]
ICSID2[International Council of Societies of Industrial Design]
ICSU(イクス)[International Council of Scientific Union]
ICSW[International Council on Social Welfare]
ICU1[intensive care unit]
ICU2[interface control unit]
ICW[International Council of Women]
ICY[International Cooperation Year]
ID1[industrial design]
ID2[Republic of Indonesia]
ID カード[identity card]
IDA1[International Development Association]
IDA2[Islamic Democratic Alliance]
IDB[Inter-American Development Bank]
IDCA[International Development Cooperation Agency]
IDDN[Integrated Defense Digital Network]
IDE[integrated device electronics]
IDL[international date line]
IDP[integrated data processing]
IDTV[improved definition TV]
IE1[industrial engineering]
IEA[International Energy Agency]
IEC[International Electrotechnical Commission]
IEEE[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
IF1[index fund]
IF3[intermediate frequency]
IF4[International Sports Federation]
IFABC[International Federation of Audit Bureaus of Circulations]
IFAD(イファド)[International Fund for Agricultural Development]
IFAP[International Federation of Agricultural Producers]
IFAW[International Fund for Animal Welfare]
IFC[International Finance Corporation]
IFIAS[International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Studies]
IFIP[International Federation for Information Processing]
IFJ[International Federation of Journalists]
IFOR[Implementation Force]
I.F.P.[(フ) Institut francais de presse]
IFPI[International Federation of the Phonographic Industry]
IFR[instrument flight rules]
IFRC[International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies]
IFTA[International Federation of Travel Agencies]
IFTU[International Federation of Trade Unions]
IGBP[International Geosphere and Biosphere Program]
IGC[intergovernmental conference]
IGO[intergovernmental organization]
IGOSS(アイゴス,イゴス)[Integrated Global Ocean Service System]
IGU[International Geographical Union]
IGY[International Geophysical Year]
IH 調理器[induction heating]
IHB[International Hydrographic Bureau]
IHD[ischemic heart disease]
IHO[International Hydrographic Organization]
IHP[International Hydrological Program]
IHRLA[International Human Rights Law Association]
IIASA[International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis]
IIED[International Institute for Environment and Development]
IIF[Institute of International Finance]
IIP[index of industrial product]
IISI[International Iron and Steel Institute]
I.I.S.S.[International Institute for Strategic Studies]
IIT 運賃[Individual Inclusive Tour Fare]
IJF[International Judo Federation]
IKF[International Kendo Federation]
IL1[import license]
IL2[State of Israel]
ILHR[International League for Human Rights]
ILO[International Labor Organization]
ILO 憲章[Constitution of ILO]
ILO 条約[International Labor Convention]
ILS[instrument landing system]
ILY[International Literacy Year]
IM1[imput method]
IM2[Isle of Man]
IMADR[International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism]
IMAP4(アイマップ フォー)[internet message access protocol version 4]
IMC1[instrument meteorological condition]
IMC2[integrated marketing communication]
IMC3[International Monetary Conference]
IMC4[International Music Council]
IMD[idiopathic myocardial disease]
IMF1[International Metalworkers' Federation]
IMF2[International Monetary Fund]
IMF 借款
IMF 引出し権
IMF 平価
IMF ポジション[IMF position]
IMF8 条国
IMF14 条国
IMF-JC[International Metalworkers' Federation-Japan Council]
IML[International Microgravity Laboratory]
IMO1(イモ)[International Maritime Organization]
IMO2[International Mathematical Olympiad]
IMO3[International Meteorological Organization]
IMS[International Magnetic System]
IMS 計画[intelligent manufacturing system project]
IMT-2000[International Mobile Telecommunications 2000]
IN2[Intelligent Network]
INA[Republic of Indonesia]
INAH(アイナ)[isonicotinic acid hydrazide]
INB[international brand]
INCB[International Narcotic Control Board]
IND3[investigational new drug]
INEB[International Network of Engaged Buddhists]
INES[International Nuclear Energy System]
INF[intermediate-range nuclear forces]
INF 条約[INF Treaty]
INGO[international non-governmental organization]
INMARSAT(インマルサット)[International Maritime Satellite Organization]
INP[index number of prices]
INRA[International Natural Rubber Agreement]
INS1[Immigration and Naturalization Service]
INS2[inertial navigational system]
INS3[information network system]
INSPEC(インスペック)[Information Services in Physics, Electrotechnology, Computers and Control]
INSTRAW(インストロー)[International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women]
INTELSAT(インテルサット)[International Telecommunication Satellite Organization]
INTERPOL(インターポール)[International Criminal Police Organization]
IO[British Indian Territory]
I/O, IO[inputoutput]
I/O 表[input-output table]
I/O 分析[input-output analysis]
IOC[International Olympic Committee]
IOCS[input-output control system]
IOE[International Organization of Employers]
IOF[(ド) Internationale Orientierungslauffoderation]
IOJ[International Organization of Journalists]
IOM[International Organization for Migration]
IOP[Individual Olympic Participant]
IOR[Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation]
IOSCO(イオスコ)[International Organization of Securities Commissions]
IOU[I owe you.(私は君に借りがある)という文のごろ合わせ]
IP1[industrial policy]
IP2[information provider]
IP3[internet provider]
IP アドレス[internet protocol address]
IPA1[icosapentaenoic acid]
IPA2[Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan]
IPA3[International Phonetic Alphabet]
IPA, I.P.A.4[International Phonetic Association]国際音声学協会。音声記号の設定などを行う。1886 年設立。本部はロンドン大学。
IPA5[International Publishers Association]
IPB[International Peace Bureau]
IPC1[Intellectual Property Committee]
IPC2[International Patent Classification]
IPCC[Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]
IPCS[International Program on Chemical Safety]
IPE[International Petroleum Exchange]
IPI[International Press Institute]
IPO[initial public offering]
IPP[independent power producer]
IPPNW[International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War]
IPPRI[International Peace Policy Research Institute]
IPR[Institute of Pacific Relations]
IPRA(イプラ)[International Peace Research Association]
IPS[Institute for Policy Studies]
IPTC[International Press Telecommunications Committee]
IPU[Inter-Parliamentary Union]
IQ1[intelligence quotient]
IQ2[Republic of Iraq]
IQ 制[import quota system]
IR1[information retrieval]
IR2[investor relations]
IR3[Iran Air]
IR4[Islamic Republic of Iran]
IR5[polyisoprene rubber]
IRA, I.R.A.[Irish Republican Army]
IRB1[Institutional Review Board]
IRB2[International Rugby Board]
IRB3[Investigational Review Board]
IRBM[Intermediate-range ballistic missile]
IRC[International Red Cross]
IRD[integrated receiverdecoder]
IrDA[Infrared Data Association]
IRF[Immediate Reaction Force]
IRFB[International Rugby Football Board]
IRI[Islamic Republic of Iran]
IRM[information resource management]
IRO[International Refugee Organization]
IRP[Islamic Republican Party]
IRPTC[International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals]
IRQ1[interrupt request]
IRQ2[Republic of Iraq]
IRRI(イリ)[International Rice Research Institute]
IRS1[incident reporting system]
IRS2[Information Retrieval Service]
IRS3[Internal Revenue Service]
IS1[information separator]
IS2[Republic of Iceland]
I/S[income statement]
IS バランス[IS balance]
ISA1[International Student Association of Japan]
ISA2[International Sugar Agreement]
ISAM(アイサム)[indexed sequential access method]
ISAS[Institute of Space and Astronautical Science]
ISBN[International Standard Book Number]
ISC[International Seismological Center]
ISCM[International Society of Contemporary Music]
ISD[international subscriber dialing]
ISDB[integrated services digital broadcasting]
ISDN[integrated service digital network]
ISF1[International Snowboard Federation]
ISF2[International Sports Federation]
ISIS[International Satellite for Ionospheric Studies]
ISL[Republic of Iceland]
IS-LM 分析[IS-LM analysis]
ISME(イスメ)[International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems]
ISO[Infrared Space Observatory]
ISO2(イソ)[International Organization for Standardization]
ISO 感度[ISO speed]
ISO9000[International Standardization Organization 9000]
ISO14000[International Standardization Organization 14000]
ISO14001[International Standardization Organization 14001]
ISOTYPE(アイソタイプ)[International System of Typographic Picture Education]
ISP[internet service provider]
ISPA[International Society for the Protection of Animals]
ISR[State of Israel]
ISRC[international standard recording code]
ISSA(イッサ)[International Social Security Association]
ISSC[International Social Science Council]
ISTEC[International Superconductivity Technology Center]
ISTP[International Solar Terrestrial Physics]
ISU[International Skating Union]
ISV1[independent software vender]
ISV2[United States Virgin]
ISY[International Space Year]
IT1[inclusive tour]
IT2[information technology]
IT3[Republic of Italy]
I.T.[income tax]
IT2000[Information Technology 2000]
ITA1[International Tin Agreement]
ITA2[Republic of Italy]
ITAA[Information Technology Association of America]
ITAR[(ロ) Informatsionnoe Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Rossii]
ITAR-TASS[(ロ) Informatsionnoe Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Rossii-Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza]
ITC[International Trade Commission]
ITER(イーター)[International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor]
ITF1[International Tennis Federation]
ITF2[International Trade Fair]
ITF コード[Interleaved 2 of 5 Code]
ITI[International Theater Institute]
ITIC[International Tsunami Information Center]
ITIM[(ヘブライ) Itonut Yisrael Meugedet]
ITO 憲章[Charter of International Trade Organization]
ITP[idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura]
ITQ[individual transferable quota]
ITS[intelligent transport system]
ITT[International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation]
ITTA[International Tropical Timber Agreement]
ITTF[International Table Tennis Federation]
ITTO(イットー)[International Tropical Timber Organization]
ITU[International Telecommunication Union]
ITU-D[ITU-Telecommunication Development Sector]
ITU-R[ITU-Radiocommunication Sector]
ITU-T[ITU-Telecommunication Standardization Sector]
ITV[industrial television]
IU[international unit]
IUB[International Union of Biochemistry]
IUCN[International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources]
IUCW[International Union for Child Welfare]
IUD[intrauterine contraceptive device]
IUGG[International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics]
IULA[International Union of Local Authorities]
IUOTO[International Union of Official Travel Organizations]
IUPAC[International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry]
IUPAP[International Union of Pure and Applied Physics]
IVB[British Virgin Islands]
IVBF[International Volleyball Federation]
IVF[in vitro fertilization]
IVH[intravenous hyperalimentation]
IW[AOM French Airlines]
IWA[International Wheat Agreement]
IWC1[International Whaling Commission]
IWC2[International Wheat Council]
IWRB[International Waterfowl and Wetland Research Bureau]
IWS[International Wool Secretariate]
IWTC[International Women's Tribune Center]
IWY[International Women's Year]
IX[internet exchange]
IYC[International Year of the Child]
IYDP[International Year of Disabled Persons]
IYF1[International Year of the Family]
IYF2[International Year of the Forest]
IYHF[International Youth Hostel Federation]
IYP[International Year of Peace]
IYRU[International Yacht Racing Union]
IYS[International Year of Space]
IYSH[International Year of Shelter for the Homeless]
IYWIP[International Year for the World's Indigenous Peoples]
IYY[International Youth Year]

一般用語集 五十音順

あ い う え お
か き く け こ
さ し す せ そ
た ち つ て と
な に ぬ ね の
は ひ ふ へ ほ
ま み む め も
や ゆ よ
ら り る れ ろ

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